Join the team

First Step as a KPhotoAlbum Developer

Once you have decided to participate in the development of KPhotoAlbum, you need to get your hands on the sources and build KPhotoAlbum yourself..

Please read the build instructions to learn how to compile the sources.

Submitting a patch

When you have made a change, please mail a patches to the mailing list. We also accept pull requests on KDE Invent.

If you need help or would like to brainstorm your ideas, please ask on our mailing list.

Extra credit

We use clang-format to format our code. If possible, please use our git hooks to prevent formatting problems with your code:

git config core.hooksPath ./dev/githooks/

Getting git write access

Once you have supplied a number of patches, it is time to get your own git account. While sending patches is a great way for you to align up with coding standards and ways of doing things in KPhotoAlbum, it is not effective on a larger scale.

Read How to get read-write developer access.